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Proclaiming the Gospel with Power

You are destined to declare the greatest message with supernatural power. The Holy Spirit is ready to break forth from within you; lay hold of your destiny to change history! The truths in this book will empower you to:

  • ​Transform your passive church members into passionate warriors!
  • Seize your God-ordained calling to live as a powerful witness.

  • Learn practical steps to empower others.

  • Understand the dynamics of the Gospel and how to share them with confidence.

  • Partner with the Holy Spirit to experience kingdom power.

  • Confidently exercise your faith to heal the sick.

  • Discern the demonic realm and cast out devils.

This book is full of practical examples, amazing testimonies, and simple teaching. Revival is waiting for you; explore your potential today!

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Grace: God's Heart Unveiled

Religion proclaims there is a God but denies He is a good Father.

You know it’s true; your heart has been telling you for a long time... there is more. Come out from the restraints of religion and free-fall into the vast ocean of God’s goodness, where His tangible presence and miracles are common! In this book, you will...

  • Perceive and experience God’s heart of love and kindness for you.   

  • Personally receive God’s healing and delivering power.

  • Distinguish grace from law and the new from the old covenant.

  • Understand the Gospel’s tangible and miraculous impact.

  • Find freedom from religion and enjoy God’s presence.

  • Live each day full of hope.


The Father's Promise

“Behold! I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but wait in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.”

- Luke 24:49

The Holy Spirit is the Father’s greatest promise. Through applying the teachings in this book you can...

  • Know the Holy Spirit in an experiential way.

  • Understand and identify the works of the Holy Spirit.

  • Learn to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice.

  • Understand and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

  • Heal the sick and cast out demons through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Perform the works of Christ.

  • Know the nine gifts of the Spirit and walk in them.


This book is full of practical examples, amazing testimonies, and simple teaching. By reading this book, you can learn to experience the Holy Spirit personally.

Copyright 2023 Healing and Training the Nations
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